Monday, May 22, 2006


Watch the video

The difference between blu-ray and HD-DVD? THE SAGA CONTINUES!

PS Nick Beasley is really spelt BeaZley, sorry Nick


Anonymous said...


You are not the first, or the last, to make the mistake in the spelling of my name. Of course, I blame Ben for this technical error, regardless of whether it was his fault.

As for your reason for liking Blue Ray, that is just about all I need to know. It is sad that there is such a big push for HD DVD if there is better technology out there.

Keep being Guys.


William Sellari said...

Tell the Beazley Clan not to come kill me. I'm a bad speller. A lot of bad speller.

Furthermore, it is quite sad there there isn't a bigger push for better technology but people are assholes so what can you do except wait for a player made in Korea that can play both disc types and piss everyone off.


dylan said...

Will your so Blase' in this episode i love it.

Anonymous said...

cool blog guys... have watched a few episodes lately and am liking what you guys are doing! take care guys and keep up fun effects :)


Anonymous said...

videogames are for fucking dildozz

Anonymous said...

First off... love what you guys are doing here. I am hung over and have watched every video.

i got a question for you guys though.

who do you think would win in a match... van damme or mike tyson? I have been thinking about this pretty much all the time lately. Mike tyson has the power punch but van dammage has the solid spin kick. I think the legs are much more powerful then fist and plus van damme can jump over a human being (as he did in bloodsport). so, if mike tyson came at him with a running punch van damme could counter attack him. Another thing to think about is van damme has or had a bad habit for ten years so he might be out of shape at the moment. a time factor could be involved with the fight... like if it was 1991 and they were fighting i think van damme would have a higher percentage for a win factor over tyson. BUT! i saw a recent picture of tyson and he is looking good. very good shape. Who knows. I'd like to hear what you have to say about this.


p.s. "look at mine"
benjamin r. stottlemyer